My email box has been full all day with listeners wanting to remember September 11, 2001.  It is something we do.  We talk, we reminisce, we listen...we remember.  I was on the air all day long that fateful September 11.  Stories came pouring over the AP wire machine non stop.  One that really gave me a clutch in my throat will never leave me.

Schoolchildren from Upstate New York were aboard the exact replica of Henry Hudson's ship, the Half Moon.  The ship plies the waters of the Hudson River following the exact route that the explorer followed back in 1609.  It is a learing voyage for these kids. Believe it or not, this mast ship was docked at the lower tip of Manhattan when the terrorists struck.  The students on board saw it all.

They sprang into action to get the boat away from the dock and into the middle of the river.  Then they proceeded to sail this iconic ship up and out of harms way.  As they rigged the masts and performed all sorts of adult duties on the ship, they could see pure hell at the water's edge.  Towers falling, people dying, smoke and fire, rescue ships coming in from New Jersey, fire trucks screaming to Ground Zero.  But the students never wavered in their mission.

These kids never expected to see this.  And in a feat of incredible irony, this old mast ship, operated by school kids, plowed its way through the modern destruction of the worst terrorist attack in our history to safety up the Hudson River.

I still get goosebumps.  And that is one of my most unforgettable stories from that terrible day.

To read more about this incredible voyage  CLICK HERE.

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