When faced with eating something really disgusting—like, say, a cockroach—one strategy would be to think to yourself, "At least this won't kill me," before chowing down.

That technique wouldn't have worked, however, for Edward Archbold. On Friday, the 32-year-old entered a roach-eating contest at Ben Siegel Reptile Store in Deerfield Beach, Florida, and won after devouring "dozens" of three-inch discoid roaches in a four-minute time period.

Shortly after his victory, which netted him a female ivory-ball python as a prize, Archbold began to throw up. Then he collapsed and died.

The Broward County medical examiner is still awaiting testing to determine Archbold's cause of death, so we can't necessarily blame on the bugs just yet.

Ben Siegel Reptiles mourned their prize-winner's sudden passing on their Facebook page:

"Although we just met Eddie the night of the sale, we all liked him right away," The wrote.  "All of us here at Ben Siegel Reptiles are sad that we will not get to know Eddie better, for in the short time we knew him, he was very well liked by all."

According to the pet store, "The snake is being held in [Archbold's] name and is full property of his estate."

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